
Power of your love

2008年參加CCEA (聖公會東亞會議)的時候
也選了這首歌 當做獻詩
幾年後 雖然大家很難再相聚一起
我們一起吃飯 聊天 雖然來自不同的國家
卻因著相同的信仰 讓我們相聚在一起..............

與大家分享 (這個版本是我最喜歡的哦!)

Lord, I come to You

Let my heart be changed, renewed

Flowing from the grace

That I found in You

Lord, I've come to know

The weaknesses I see in me

Will be stripped away

By the power of Your love

Hold me close

Let Your love surround me

Bring me near

Draw me to Your side

And as I wait

I'll rise up like the eagle

And I will soar with You

Your Spirit leads me on

In the power of Your Love

Lord unveil my eyes

Let me see You face to face

The knowledge of Your love

As You live in me

Lord renew my mind

As Your will unfolds in my life

In living every day

The power of Your Love